Unforgettable Wedding at the Masonic Temple – Curtis & Amanda

Unforgettable Wedding at the Masonic Temple in Erie, Pa
Wow!! This unforgettable wedding at the Masonic Temple in Erie, Pa is one of our favorites to date. It’s going to be hard for anyone to top the amazing time we had with this couple. Amanda & Curtis trusted both our team at Erie Photography and our film crew with Erie Videography to capture every moment of their wedding Celebration which took place during Celebrate Erie in 2022!
Amanda & Curtis held their ceremony on stage at The Erie Playhouse. This landmark building in Erie, Pa holds such speical meaning for the couple because it’s where they met and their love story first blossomed. What a dramatic ceremony. The groom and his party entered stage right while the bridal party entered stage left. Then, the curtains swung open revealing the bride escorted by her brother in law in a stunning entrance that left Curtis overwhelmed with emotion. The two were united in marriage by Curtis’s father who is a pastor with both moms providing scripture readings during the service. The couple also held a unity ceremony by building a cross together.
Following an epic first kiss on center stage the curtains were drawn and formal photos took place back stage while the guests dispersed to head over to the wedding at the Masonic Temple a few blocks away. We took advantage of some of the available props for phtoos and then took a walk downtown to explore the Celebrate Erie Festival on the way to the Masonic Temple.
We arrived to a hall bathed in glorious pink uplighting and some amazing music. Our team captured all the pivotal moments of the reception from grand entrance to an adorable stuffed animal toss in lieu of a bouquet toss. We are so excited to share our favorite moments of this epic wedding at the Masonic Temple in Erie Pa!
And Don’t stop at checking out this fun wedding. You can see all of our recent projects at Masonic Temple in Erie Pa on their location page: (Page coming soon!!)